I. Contato
II. Horas
III. Locais de escritórios
4. Área de cobertura
V. Opção de vídeo
Hours Generally
What Clients are Saying
Fastest Way to Reach Adam & Contact Methods
Sunday Policy
II. Horas
Minha disponibilidade:
Eu valorizo a disponibilidade e economizo aos meus clientes o máximo de tempo e dinheiro possível, seja comprando ou vendendo. Eu trabalho em torno dos prazos dos meus clientes e normalmente estou disponível 9-5 & 6-7:30 EST de segunda a sábado , a menos que eu já tenha um compromisso, embora em alguns casos eu faça exceções para mais cedo ou mais tarde. Comecei as apresentações com os compradores às 6h e terminei depois das 21h em algumas ocasiões. Eu costumo ter menos compromissos agendados de quarta a sexta-feira de manhã, onde minha agenda é normalmente a mais flexível. Acredito que é fundamental levar a sério minha fé cristã e minha própria família, mas ainda responder a assuntos urgentes limitados no domingo e assuntos urgentes após as 19h30 de segunda a sábado. Em uma amostra de 5 semanas que tirei, os domingos tiveram 1/47 da entrada de novas listagens e os sábados tiveram apenas 1/20. Embora a origem do meu raciocínio seja a fé, tirar pelo menos um dia de folga por semana é respaldado pela ciência para ser mais eficaz nos 6 dias restantes 1 , 2 , 3 . Para compradores e vendedores que precisam de disponibilidade mais regular aos domingos e após as 18h30 para apresentações e comunicação estendida, posso encaminhá-lo para outros agentes que trabalham regularmente nesses horários. Caso minhas preferências de fé sejam uma preocupação devido a experiências negativas com o cristianismo, observe esta recomendação de um ateu no meu perfil do Linkedin que deve aliviar algumas preocupações. Eu também tiro em alguns, mas não em todos os feriados, ou seja, Natal e Ação de Graças.
O que os clientes estão dizendo:
Assuntos urgentes e meu tempo médio de resposta são provavelmente as razões pelas quais pessoas como Aaron Bonanni declararam em uma recomendação do Facebook para mim: "Não importava a que horas, ele estava sempre disponível e pronto para trabalhar para nós". Carlos Rivera também afirmou nesse mesmo grupo de comentários: "Ele foi rápido em responder às nossas perguntas e, quando não sabia a resposta, encontrou a resposta e nos respondeu em poucos minutos".
What Clients are Saying:
As visible in my "Values" section under "Staying Available":
"Very responsive to phone calls, texts, emails, etc.!" Colleen - Linkedin
"Adam was professional, quick to respond to any question we had no matter what time of day or night, on time for every appointment, and ready to answer any questions." Christopher - Zillow
"I remember exchanging phone calls with him at 1130 PM eastern time to finalize an offer." Aaron - Zillow
"He was quick to respond to any questions or issues I had." Alexus - Zillow
"He was quick to respond to our questions and when he didn't know the answer he found the answer and responded back to us within minutes." Carlos - Facebook review
"(Adam) always makes himself available for phone calls as soon as he is able... And after we found our house he was always extremely responsive to any questions I had about the house." Megan - Google Maps
"He was always quick and responsive with us and diplomatic and courteous with the seller side even when there were great challenges... He went over and beyond to show us homes and clear his schedule." Lauren - Facebook review
"timely/punctual (he will respond in the middle of the night sometimes! Which saved me a few times)" Connor - Facebook review
"Clear, responsive, and consistent communication" Jeff Lockwood - recommendation published on Realtor.com
Fastest Way to Reach Adam & Contact Methods:
The fastest way to reach Adam is generally going to be via call or text.
While I won't typically respond at 3 AM, I have no problem with clients reaching out in the wee hours of the morning as I turn my phone to silent when sleeping.
Please leave a text or voicemail if you call & I don't pick up at the time.
If you're unable to text, you can email texts to me at 7578799651@tmomail.net & please CC agarrett@ggrva.com .
I also aim to abstain from work on Thanksgiving, the evening of Christmas Eve, Christmas, the evening of December 5th (my wife's birthday), the evening of December 9th (my wife & my anniversary), and certain other times that vary by year save limited urgent matters (see exceptions here). In fact, an agent working all holidays and never taking vacations is actually hurting their own business & the clients that they serve due to the positive impact of rest, including holidays, on their work (1,2,3). In fact, I would argue that due to the extremely low volume of listings input on Christmas Day last year, 2021 (0 in REIN MLS, the primary MLS of Hampton Roads), combined with the high volume of buyers that stop looking in November/December every year, as well as the high number of other agents taking off the same day, it was the best day of the year that an agent could take off.
I believe that it's critical to take my Christian faith and my own family seriously but still respond to limited urgent matters on Sunday & urgent matters after 7:30 PM Mon-Sat. In a 5 week sample I pulled, Sundays had 1/47th of the new listings input, & Saturdays only had 1/20th. While the origin of my reasoning is faith, taking at least a day off each week is backed by science to be more effective in the remaining 6 days 1,2,3. For buyers & sellers who need more regular availability on Sundays & after 6:30 PM for showings & extended communication, I can refer you to other agents who regularly work those times. In the event that my faith preferences are a concern due to negative experiences with Christianity, please note this recommendation by an atheist on my Linkedin profile that should alleviate some concerns. I also take off on some but not all holidays, i.e. Christmas & Thanksgiving.
For more details including examples of exceptions (i.e. me arranging another experienced agent to show you a property at short notice on a Sunday & how in such situations I can still write an offer with you when a seller is planning on making a same-day decision with other active offers present), go here.