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The Impact of Season on Real Estate Photography

Updated: May 14

I. How season impacts the real estate market

II. How season impacts real estate photography

III. How real estate photography impacts prices

IV. How to prepare for a low season sale


Get your home ready to sell and ready for pictures long before a low-season sale, especially the exterior.

Fall Foliage prediction map united states

Take Exterior Photos at the Right Time

And here's a further out shot by American Real Estate Media when things were more green where the house is less prominent:

I kept both shots in the photos for the listing. From the vantage point of the first shot, the green leaves would have significantly blocked the view of the water at the time of the 2nd shot, while further up in height, it wasn't a problem.

Shadows Vary by Season

Consider Previous Professional or Amateur Photos


Home Displays

Framed Cardstock Photos in Home

Take Photos While Home is Staged Before Moving Out

Don't Forget Area Photos, Aerials, & Exterior Matterport 3-D Photos


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