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Hampton Roads Offers: The REIN Standard Purchase Agreement

Updated: Jun 19

The dominant Hampton Roads offer for residential real estate is the Real Estate Information Network Standard Purchase Agreement, dominant in any area where REIN MLS is dominant. In this post, I wanted to share the latest version of it as of this publication date, in its simple form, so that buyers and sellers have it available to read through if desired before making an offer or receiving one. I also wanted to provide some additional associated resources.

I. Basics Regarding the REIN Standard Purchase Agreement

  • Common Surprises for Buyers & Sellers in the REIN Offer

  • Common Surprises for Buyers in the REIN Offer

  • Common Surprises for Sellers who Don't Look Closely at the REIN Offer

  • Where is the REIN Standard Purchase Agreement Used Most Often?

  • Other Common Offer in Hampton Roads & SE VA: VAR Residential Contract of Purchase

  • Helpful Resources Associated with the REIN Standard Purchase Agreement

  • Other REIN Forms

  • More Helpful SE VA Resources

  • Disclosure on Changing Template Over Time

II. REIN Standard Purchase Agreement from January 2023:

Page 1: Basics (i.e. date, buyer/seller, address, earnest money deposit specific info, purchase price, ratification date)

Page 2: Settlement Expenses (closing costs & prepaids), Earnest Money Deposit Terms, Loan Application Info

Page 3: Loan Application Info Continued, Loan Denial, Occupancy Intent, Representations

Page 4: Representations Continued, Settlement/Closing Terms/Date

Page 5: Settlement/Closing Terms Continued, Deed & Title Representations, Lender's Title Insurance, Survey

Page 6: Survey Continued, Prorations/escrow, Appraisal/Financing Contingencies

Page 7: Appraisal Contingency Continued, Property Condition, Physical Inspection, Home Inspection, Repairs Cap Agreed to by Seller in Advance, Appraisal Required Repairs, Wood Destroying Insect/Moisture Inspection/Repairs

Page 8: Wood Destroying Insect/Moisture Treatment/Repairs Continued, Drinking Water & Septic, Walk Through Inspection, Contingencies Starting with Condo Contingency

Page 9: Condo Contingency Continued, Property Owners' Association Contingency

Page 10: Property Owners' Association Contingency Continued, Co-Op, Property Inspections

Page 11: Property Inspections Continued, Other Contingencies, Items to Convey, Confirmations & Disclosures

Page 12: Confirmations & Disclosures Including Brokerage Relationship Disclosure, Aircraft Noise Zone Disclosure, Residential Property Disclosure, Agency Interest Disclosure, Megan's Law Disclosure, & Mechanics Lien Disclosure

Page 13: Mechanics Lien Disclosure Continued, Measurements, Building or Zoning Violations, Methamphetamine Disclosure, Lis Pendens, Brokerage Fee, Default, Dispute Resolution

Page 14: Dispute Resolution Continued, Other Provisions, Non Assignment, Tax-Deferred Exchange, Notices, Miscellaneous

Page 15: Miscellaneous Continued, Digital Signatures

Page 16: Signatures & Other Information For Buyer(s), Seller(s), Agents, & Firms


  • Seller Guide primarily geared toward the framework of the REIN Standard Purchase Agreement

About the Author: Adam Garrett - 3rd Generation REALTOR®

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