There are a variety of options for how you could go about an offer:
1. The typical approach, which around 86% of buyers opt for, is to make an offer with an agent. There are different approaches to that:
Using an Agent Outside of the Listing Agent's Firm (Best for Most)
2. Designated Agency: Listing Agent Represents Seller & An Agent from the Same Firm Represents Buyer
3. Dual Agency: Listing Agent Represents Buyer & Seller
How A Referral From the Listing Agent Can Help
How A Referral From the Listing Agent Can Hurt: Buyer's Remorse & Bias
What if I Have an Buyer Brokerage Agreement with an Agent or have been Working with an Agent?
2. Unrepresented Buyer (No Agent Representation)
Your Chances of Making a Very Costly Mistake Introduction
Your Chances of Making a Very Costly Mistake Examples
Increased Risk for the Seller
Reduce Commissions for Sellers (Maybe)
How to Better Your Chances if Buying Unrepresented
Offer Template